Festival packed with entertainment

Ali McGregor, Coral Gibb and Gail Hunter. Photos by Barry Alsop


What did you love most about the Noosa Long Weekend?
1. “Noosa does it so well! Ali McGregor’s Alchemy was world class entertainment. Can’t wait for next year!” Gail Hunter and Coral Gibb.
2. “Noosa has been spoilt this year. Too many amazing acts to choose just one highlight. Really enjoyed the songstresses – Ali McGregor and Festival Ambassador Catherine Alcorn, but for laugh-out-loud fun I can’t go past David Williamson’s new play ‘Managing Carmen’ starring Noosa Councillor Frank Wilkie,” Rick Cooper, chairman, Sunshine Coast Community Financial Services (Bendigo Bank, who were presenting sponsor this year).
3. “Love the intellectual and cultural buzz that the Festival brings to town,” Fox Rogers, director of Community Services Noosa Council.
4. “I have been lucky enough to see many of the shows and a real highlight was the Queensland Ballet and meeting Li Cunxin. Also Forbidden Broadway opened the festival and had such a variety of voices and talent,” Vicki Russell, team leader of Festival Volunteers.