Koala group seeks funds to save the species

The Queensland Koala Crusaders are hosting a crowdfunding campaign to plant 10,000 koala food trees in Noosa Shire over the next year to aid the survival of the area’s remaining koalas and future populations.
The group aims to raise $30,000 toward the cost of planting and hopes to achieve a quarter of the amount during the launch of the campaign at a DoodleJam event on Tuesday 5 September.
QKC president Meghan Halverson said it was an opportunity for the Noosa community to show it cared about doing something valuable for future generations while we still have some koalas in this region.
“Our ultimate goal is to help create protected areas and connecting corridors that provide sanctuary and allow the koala to thrive and regenerate – areas that would also help maintain the quality of the air we breathe and the water we drink – and support the 1000-plus plants and animals that live in the forests under the wild koala,” she said.
The event begins with a passionate presentation to explain the reasons why wild koalas need your support, followed by refreshments and the opportunity to mingle with lots of interesting people. Local talented artists including the Kitty Kats will perform and guests will be invited to participate in a fun, collaborative, community painting experience hosted by DoodleJam.
The event to be held at Noosa Arts Cafe, 205 Weyba Road, Noosaville, from 5pm, is restricted to just 160 attendees. For more information phone Meghan on 0449 255 898.