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Costly break-up

By JONATHON HOWARD A CLOUD of financial questions is gathering over Noosa Council, as residents seek clarification around the total cost of de-amalgamation and greater...

Helping keep Jack mobile

By JONATHON HOWARD THE mother of eight-year-old Jack Geitl is making a heartfelt appeal to raise funds for a disability access vehicle. Jack has already captured...

Spit vote… split

By JONATHON HOWARD IT’S back to the drawing board for Noosa Coast Guard to develop a memorial wall for lost loved ones. Noosa Council previously voted...

Nipper ranks have swelled

AS THE weather starts to warm up, local surf clubs come to life once more for the patrol and nipper seasons. Sunshine Beach Surf...

Rate rise fears

By JONATHON HOWARD LONGTIME Noosa local and business owner Jeff Nuske said Noosa residents were not seeing the region’s full financial picture and he fears...

Petra’s Patch of Paradise

By JOLENE OGLE From the beautiful meadows of a small village in southern Germany to the Noosa National Park, Petra Goeltz has always indulged her...

Stars come out for movie night

IT will be a first-time experience for many and a nostalgic trip down memory lane for others when Starry Night Outdoor Movies host their...

Steeped in history

NESTLED at the base of Mount Cooroy is a town bustling with business, community spirit and some of the friendliest people you will meet. Cooroy...

Junior Rugby League

Under 7 White Bailey Hozier took his defence to another level putting his body in front of some much bigger players. Lincoln Knight made an...

Wild way to train dogs

WHEN you have problems with your dog, it really is as simple as a communication breakdown. Your dog is another species and owners try...

Pointer to dog issues

By JONATHON HOWARD A SAVAGE dog attack near Marcus Beach in June has prompted a resident to speak out about Noosa’s secret dog issues. Richard Jordan...

Dog attacks played down

By JONATHON HOWARD NOOSA Council has responded to concerns around dog attack issues across Noosa and says “serious dog attacks are rare in Noosa”. "Council officers...

Council workers march for more pay

To chants of 'stand up, fight back' and 'stronger together' members of The Services Union (TSU) working at Noosa Council joined union representatives to...