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Thrill a minute fete

IT’S been dubbed the “mini-Ekka” and now the St Thomas More Fete is back for another year with more rides, fun and entertainment than...

Cooroy PO… love at first sight

By JOLENE OGLE THEY were meant to be enjoying their retirement years as grey nomads, but Karen Chaplin and Janette Evans couldn’t resist the call...

Backers keep the vibe going

By JOLENE OGLE WE have been enjoying the chilled out vibe of Peregian Originals for almost 14 years - and now, thanks to promising sponsorships...

Noosa Dolphins Junior Rugby

Under 6 Fins 30 drew Grammar 30 The boys were again on fire against a determined opposition and showed top form from and fighting spirit...

Momentary act of madness

By JOLENE OGLE AN APPRENTICE carpenter has been sentenced to 18 months probation following an attack the magistrate labelled a “dog act”. Dominic Reece Bryham, 19,...

Domestic violence intolerable

By JOLENE OGLE NOOSA Magistrate Simon Young has labelled a man’s attack on his ex-partner as a “serious act of domestic violence”. Obi Obi man, Michael...

Pro-development council

By JOLENE OGLE Noosa Council is a council that mostly says “yes”, according to planning committee chairman and Councillor Frank Wilkie. Recent statistics show that more...

Positive business Pulse

By JONATHON HOWARD BUSINESS confidence in Noosa as well as the Sunshine Coast has experienced a significant turn-around, according to the latest Westpac Group CCIQ...

Adam’s gift a fine example

ADAM Rogers may not have been the most popular person at the annual GPS Wealth conference, but he is certainly popular with Sunshine Butterflies...

Crackdown on nudists

By JONATHON HOWARD ALEXANDRIA Bay has long been known as Noosa’s unofficial nude beach, but Noosa police were recently spotted cracking down on naked beach...

Jewell of a speaker

THE Noosa Tigers AFL Club’s last President’s Lunch was a roaring success. More than 100 fans packed the Tigers’ clubrooms to hear former Richmond Tigers...

Pool rescue medals galore

By RON LANE FOR a lot of our clubs, the winter months can indeed be just as busy as our summer. Inshore Rescue Boat (I.R.B.)...

Council workers march for more pay

To chants of 'stand up, fight back' and 'stronger together' members of The Services Union (TSU) working at Noosa Council joined union representatives to...