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Swooping warning sounded

By JONATHON HOWARD MALE magpies are preparing to become overprotective parents again with the start of the breeding season and Noosa residents could be targeted. From...

Plan for the final farewell

IT isn’t something we all like to think about, but when it comes to funerals, it can pay to be prepared and organised. To help...

Grand result from play night

The Noosa Arts Theatre’s annual One Act Play has helped raise over $1200 for local charity VIEW Club with a special performance. Noosaville VIEW Club...

Lions change the guard

THE Lions Club of Peregian recently held its annual changeover dinner. Outgoing president Michele Lipner handed the reins to incoming president Jackie Stewart at the...

Kay’s chuffed at parting gift

By JOLENE OGLE IT was a one in 360 chance, but Sunshine Beach resident, Kay Sharpe, is now the proud winner of her very own...

Guidelines… made to be broken?

NOOSA COUNCIL’S GUIDELINES FOR STREET PERFORMERS: Street performers currently must have a permit and display it. Under the code, they may "accept voluntary donations from...

Triumph of Stingrays

By JOE JURISEVIC CONGRATULATONS to the Sunshine Coast Junior Stingrays Rugby Union Under 16 team that went through their six matches undefeated to win the...

Mountain climb: ultimate challenge

IT TAKES a certain kind of athlete to tackle Noosa hinterland’s Mount Cooroora, but more than 100 people have already registered to run the...

The stats say it all

By RON LANE TO WIN medals at the state and national titles is every club’s ambition. However, the most vital statistic is the club’s stats...

Palm Springs on the cards

Local Christian Butterworth is off to compete on the world stage at the Future Champions Golf Championship in California. The 12-year-old jetted off on Tuesday...

Christian is a concentrated champion

Noosa local Christian Caldwell can now add the 2014 Rod Laver Queensland Junior Tennis Championship win to his already impressive list of achievements. The eight-year-old,...

New comp kicks off on good note

POMONA This week saw the start of a new competition to be played every second Wednesday in the month sponsored by Ausroads. The winners of...

Where else but Noosa ?

There's never a bad time to buy good real estate. It's a saying I've heard from leading agents and it surfaced again this week. Noosa...