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RIVERFRONT RUMBLE: Pregnant mum slams Makepeace Island noise

JIM FAGANTewantin mother and local business owner, Natalie Miller, is frustrated and upset that Virgin Blue boss Sir Richard Branson wants to make money...

Reprieve for Cooroy Bowls Club

JOLENE OGLEThe long months spent fighting to save Cooroy Bowls Club are finally over with the sale of the land announced at the RSL...

Stop “pillaging” our lakes

JOLENE OGLEStop pillaging our lakes: that’s the message from Lake Cooroibah resident Brian Williams to commercial netters who, he says, are devastating the environment....

Kin Kin rock take: Answers sought

JIM FAGANNoosa Council will decide tonight if it will seek legal opinion on the amount of rock that can be taken each year from...

Mayor’s fat free plan for budget

JIM FAGAN Mayor Noel Playford thinks it will be two years before Noosa has a 10-year financial plan that says all is well but...

KoalaTrackers call on Council for action

ALEX HARRISFar from the constant cry of ‘last koala here’ or ‘last koala there’, I am of the firm belief that we have a...

New Biosphere Reserve deal proposed for Noosa

JIM FAGANWider community involvement and outcomes are a vital part of the new Noosa Biosphere Reserve management model which Noosa Council will consider tonight....

Businesses confident, profits will follow

ISOBEL COLEMAN Business confidence in the Shire is increasing and there could soon be an improvement in profitability. That was...

Long-time local loves Noosa

Born and bred Noosa local Kari Porter is delighted to once again work under the Noosa Council banner. Although many...

Community day to restore bushland

A community planting day will take place on Saturday, April 5 to begin the restoration of riparian bushland at Noosaville. ...

Community notices from April 3

  Find out what's happening in your community. LIBRARY NEWS Friends of Noosaville Library will hold a morning tea at Noosa...

Noosa athlete claims gold at Nationals

MICHELLE MOOREFleet-footed athlete Jordan Csabi has been dubbed Little Athletics Noosa’s new ‘prince of speed’, having claimed gold in the 200m sprint at the...

It’s time to put the Sunshine Coast back on the global...

Whenever I scroll through social media, I can’t escape it – photos of friends all on exotic overseas holidays. Turns out, it’s not just...