IT’S coming up roses … well sunflowers, for the Peregian Beach College Early Learning Centre, which is proud to show off a beautiful garden created by students.
The children and teachers planted sunflower seeds and have watched them grow into bright, tall flowers that now provide shade for story-time.
The 3 to 5-year-olds have also planted a pizza garden and have watched with anticipation as the herbs and cherry tomatoes have grown over the past few weeks.
Centre director and teacher Melanie Clare said the gardens have been a great learning experience for the children.
“It has been a dynamic experience for the children and has involved so many aspects of children’s learning at the same time,” she said.
“The children have watched something sprout from a seed, measured plant growth, watched how the flowers have attracted visitors like bees and are now watching the full cycle of life as the flowers die and produce their seeds for the next ‘crop’.
“The gardens have involved learning in science, maths, literacy and issues around sustainability”.
The kindy also boasts a compost system and is also introducing a worm farm where the children’s lunch scraps are recycled into food for their plants and gardens.
Ms Clare said the gardens had also helped connect the children with the rest of learning community at the college.
“Everyday students, parents and teachers stop to admire our gardens and chat about their progress,” she said.
“Other classes have come to draw the flowers and our high school hospitality students have been exploring our herbs too.”