Green way to go

Visit to find out what can be recycled.

Top three quick tips to make you environmentally friendly
Break bad habits:
We’re all guilty of leaving lights on when we’re not in the room or boiling a full jug for just one coffee, but all these things can add up to serious energy consumption. Try to break these habits and watch the electricity bill decrease.
Invest in green:
There is an environmentally friendly option for most household items these days, from recycled toilet paper, to grey water friendly washing liquids. Have a look for the products that are best for the environment next time you’re doing the family shop. You’ll be surprised to find most are the same price or even cheaper than the chemical alternative.
Recycle and reuse:
Did you know you can recycle aerosol cans? There is a list of recyclable items that many people throw away to eventually become landfill. Take a moment to see what can be recycled by visiting If the items can’t be recycled, such as clothing, maybe they can be reused as rags or donated to a charity to help raise funds for local causes.