ROTARY Club of Noosa’s first female president Tess Alexandroff, did such a good job that the committee had to bend the rules to keep her at the helm for two years instead of one.
But Ms Alexandroff’s presidency came to an end on Monday 30 June, at the Tewantin Noosa RSL.
She handed the baton to newly elected president Paul Porter who will continue Ms Alexandroff’s sterling efforts.
More than 100 Rotarians, dignitaries and members of the public filled the Tewantin Noosa RSL’s function room for the changeover dinner.
In fact at one point, several outside Rotarians asked if they could join the changeover dinner and extra tables had to be set.
Ms Alexandroff paid tribute to the Rotary committee board and expressed her gratitude to the community for their ongoing support.
“It’s been a an honour to serve as the first female Rotary Club of Noosa President, and I feel confident that Mr Porter will take good care of the organisation now and into the future,” she said.
While the dinner was organised to celebrate Mrs Alexandroff’s presidency and the changeover to Mr Porter’s presidency, it was also a chance to recognise long-time Rotarian Graeme Dwyer.
Mr Dwyer has been a Rotarian for 45 years and a Rotary Club of Noosa member for 22 years.
Mr Dwyer was honoured with a Paul Harris Fellow and received a ruby pendant as a symbolic gesture for his commitment to Rotary’s cause.
In a shock surprise to Ms Alexandroff she too picked up a Paul Harris Fellow and ruby pendant.
“I feel completely humbled by this award,” she said.
Ms Alexandroff said she would be writing to Noosa Today in the coming weeks to outline her new role as membership director.