Cash for Vietnam vets

Vietnam Veterans' Association member Bruce Wilson during one of many fundraising appeals last year.

THE local Vietnam Veterans Association’s social calendar is about to be a lot busier, with the group receiving a grant this week to help boost social and outdoor activities.
Deputy Prime Minister and Wide Bay MP Warren Truss announced this week the Noosa sub-Branch of the Vietnam Veterans Association of Australia would receive a $5946 grant through the Federal Government’s Veteran and Community Grants (V&CG) program.
The money will help the association to buy equipment such as marquees, folding tables and chairs which will allow the club to host a greater range of activities.
Mr Truss said the group was deserving of the grant due to their continued contribution to their local community and country.
“Australia’s veterans have served their country with pride and distinction, securing peace and freedom for our nation,” Mr Truss said.
“Many veterans continue to help others and strengthen their communities. This grant is one way in which we show our respect for their service to our country and support their ongoing contributions to the community.”