NOOSA boaties who sneak their way without a permit into the Noosa Waters residential lake system will no longer get out free of charge.
Noosa Council has decided it will start recovering its costs for callouts – many of them out of hours – to release boats from the lock.
Noosa Waters residents have raised the issue of non card-holders sneaking into the lake system behind authorised boats.
When the unauthorised boaties want to get out it means a callout by a contractor or council officers to operate the lock, with the general ratepayers of Noosa footing the bill.
After discussions with the Noosa Waters Residents Association, council has agreed to erect signs at the lock warning those who enter without a card that a release fee of $400 will apply.
The Residents Association agreed this was the right approach, and the council has determined that clearly visible signs warning of the release fee should act as a deterrent.