Dine In Dumplings You Can Make At Home

By Embassy XO at Sunshine Beach.

Embassy XO’s Crispy Fried Pork Dumplings are one of the most popular items on the XO $5 Bar Menu, and they are also one of the simplest to make at home.
The best dumplings are made fresh and should be moist on the inside and crispy on the outside, with only the freshest and most aromatic herbs to enhance the natural flavour of the mince.
XO Head Chef James Wu is sharing his favourite dumpling recipe for you to try at home, and this delicious recipe is sure to impress your next dinner guests!
Crispy Fried Pork Dumplings
By XO Head Chef James Wu
250gm Pork Belly Mince
2 Green Spring Onions
1 Large Red Chilli
1 Knob Ginger
¼ Bunch Garlic Chives
2 Tbls Light Soy Sauce
½ Tbls Sesame Oil
1 Egg Yolk
1 Packet Egg Wonton Pastry
1. Fine dice green onion, red chilli, ginger and garlic chives.
2. Combine diced aromats with pork belly mince, and season with light soy, sesame oil and salt.
3. Slowly knead mixture until evenly mixed, add 1 egg yolk and continue to knead until mixture is tight and sticky. This can take several minutes.
4. Allow mixture to rest in refrigerator (overnight or serval hours).
5. Using a teaspoon or scoop, make small balls of mixture and wrap wonton pastry around it (spraying a small amount of water will help the dumpling pastry stick together).
6. Deep fry at 160-170 degrees for 2-3mins or until golden, allow to rest slightly.
7. Serve with a sweet sauce like sweet and sour or a vinegar caramel.