Love the skin you’re in

DIY Body Scrub for healthy, glowing skin this summer.

SHOW your skin some extra TLC this summer with this make-at-home body scrub.
This back-to-nature recipe uses firming caffeine, nourishing sesame oil and purifying eucalyptus.

DIY Summer Body Scrub:
Add 1/2 cup finely grained sea salt, 1/2 cup finely ground coffee beans, 1/4 cup sesame oil and 1/2 teaspoon (about 20 drops) eucalyptus essential oil. Mix together in a small bowl.
Use the scrub in the shower while standing out of your showerhead’s reach. Massage it into damp skin with long, firm, semicircular movements. Take your time in order to activate the ingredients.
Rinse well and enjoy beautifully smooth skin.