Fast, furious, and best

Keyn and Tyson Lee of Auto Pro Noosa. Pictures: DARRYN SMITH


BCC Noosa Cinemas were overflowing last Thursday night for Autopro’s screening of Fast and Furious 7.
The venue was completely sold out for the event, with excited attendees of all ages quickly piling into Cinema One.
A Datsun 1200 was also present at Thursday’s screening, shining brightly in the foyer of the cinemas and drawing plenty of attention from onlookers.
In typical Fast and Furious style, the film took viewers on a whirlwind adventure from the first scene to the last.
While the storyline was fairly ordinary, this was made up for with dramatically impossible stunts, raging cars and bulging muscles.
Rated M, the action-packed film was the perfect tribute to actor, Paul Walker, who sadly passed in November, 2013 with filming only half-completed.
An energetic applause rang out as the film came to an end, with many viewers describing it as “the best one yet“.