Adani barney

People on Peregian Beach send a message.

People of all ages and walks of life including a few in wheelchairs made their way to Peregian Beach at 9am on Saturday to collectively say no to the establishment of the Adani coal mine in Queensland.
Local politicians failed to attend but more than 500 members of the community from across Noosa and the Sunshine Coast joined a countrywide Stop Adani National Big Day of Action.
Rally spokeswoman Vivien Griffin said the environmental battle was just as important as the Franklin River battle more than 30 years ago.
“We do not support taxpayers’ funds being used to prop up the coal mining industry,” she said.
“Apart from climate change impacts and environmental destruction, Adani is getting special treatment from governments, including deferral of royalties which will shortchange the Queensland people an estimated $253 million and a proposed $1 billion loan from the Northern Australian Infrastructure Facility”.
Stop Adani Sunshine Coast collected signatures at the protest for a petition calling on the House of Representatives to reject the proposal for public funding of the Adani company.