Beating the winter chills

Fight the cold and flu this season with some simple tips.

WITH some recent chilly mornings, winter is definitely here and Dr Mimi Atkins of Noosa Chiropractic has put together some easy ways to boost your immunity and keep healthy.
1. Keep hydrated – just because it’s not hot, don’t forget to keep drinking water! On average, we need to be drinking one cup of fresh water per 10kg of bodyweight, regardless of the temperature outside. Especially if you are feeling under the weather, as it helps to flush out toxins.
2. Get adjusted – research shows that just 15 minutes after chiropractic adjustments immune markers in the blood become elevated to help the body stay strong and healthy. Whether you are already noticing some symptoms or just want to boost your immunity – it’s a great idea to get your nervous system functioning at its best with chiropractic care.
3. Eat well – temporarily avoid mucus producing foods like dairy, as well as highly processed and sugary foods. Fill up on natural superfoods like leafy greens, garlic, fruits and vegetables to allow your body to heal itself. Probiotics, Vitamin C, Echinacea and colloidal silver are also great supplements to integrate into your daily routine to build gut flora and keep bugs away.
4. Rest – don’t fight your body! If you come down with a cold or flu, let it rest as that’s the most effective way for your body to recover.
5. Diffuse and inhale – essential oils are great for breaking down mucus membranes, clearing airways and increasing white blood cell circulation. Particularly oregano, eucalyptus, tea-tree and lemon. Make sure they are good quality oils and not synthetic fragrances. Use a few drops in a diffuser or a bowl of hot water for steam inhalation.