Cody spreads the smiles

Cody's ready to hit the doggy beach.

THIS week’s Noosa Today Furry Friend is Cody, a 3.5-year-old cocker spaniel cross King Charles cavalier.
Cody is a Delta Therapy Dog and along with his owners he visits Arcare Peregian Springs weekly to share his unconditional love.
“He is a real hit at each visit and brightens up everyone’s day,” Cody’s mum Jennifer said.
Cody also loves going to the doggy beach on Sundays and sitting on Noosa Main Beach while his mum and dad enjoy a coffee.
“So long as we go via the general store in Hastings Street to get a treat,” Jennifer said.
If you have a furry friend you would like to nominate for the Noosa Today Furry Friend competition send a high resolution photo of your pooch, pussy cat or family pet to and you could go in the draw to win a double pass to BCC Noosa 5 Cinemas.