The smooth way to detox

It’s time to spring clean your body with organic green drinks boosted with supergreens.

WITH warmer weather just around the corner it’s time to spring clean your body with organic green drinks boosted with supergreens.
Nourish Health Food Store in-store nutritionist Yolanda Philp shares her tips and tricks to cleansing your body’s organs and tissues of toxins and waste.
“Hotter weather speeds up the body’s metabolism, making it easier to remove toxins through sweat,” she said.
“Take advantage of the body’s inbuilt systems to flush out toxins by doing a supergreens detox. It will help to cleanse the liver, bowels, kidneys and skin.”
Yolanda said a detox will help people feel and look better even after a short-term detox.
“Detoxing the body through organic green drinks can lift your energy, improve your skin and hair and cause weight loss, clearer thinking and a more positive mental outlook,” she said.
“Say ‘detox’ and most people picture a hideous drink to choke on or a lettuce-only diet but simply swapping breakfast for a delicious green smoothie or fresh fruit and vegie juice can have a powerful detox effect. Do it for a week and you’ll notice the difference.”
The influx of high-speed blenders and organic supergreen powders means a nutritious drink will only take a few minutes to prepare.
Yolanda shares her recipe for a spring detox smoothie with all ingredients available from Nourish Health Food Store, shop 1, 113 Poinciana Avenue,Tewantin.

1-2 teaspoons of supergreens powder
250 ml coconut or filtered water
Organic greens like kale or baby spinach (about 4 leaves)
2 tablespoons plain yogurt
1 tablespoon protein powder or a raw organic egg
1 small frozen banana or 1/2 cup fresh or frozen berries
1 teaspoon chia or hemp seeds
honey (to taste)
It’s as easy as roughly chopping all greens and fruit. Place all ingredients into a blender and whiz until smooth. Enjoy!