The Thursday Girls are back to it, raising funds for underprivileged students in Noosa who they believe should have access to the same opportunities as their peers.
This year, The Thursday Girls are inviting anyone who wants to help with fundraising to come and join the group at its monthly luncheons.
The first luncheon for 2015 will be held on Thursday 26 February at Bertoni’s, Thomas Street, Noosaville.
This year The Thursday Girls will focus on their educational program designed to help students from low-income families access school-based activities and school programs such as swimming lessons, school excursions and school camps.
“Unfortunately, some families find themselves, from time to time, in situations where they cannot afford to pay for extracurricular activities and this can lead to hardship and heartache for these families,” they said.
“We have a very strong band of followers that support our functions on the last Thursday of each month.
“We would like to think all children who attend local schools will leave the education system confident in themselves knowing they have had the same opportunities as their peers.”
With school only a few weeks into the first term, The Thursday Girls have already received an overwhelming request for assistance.
Anyone is welcome to join The Thursday Girls and help raise funds.
Anyone interested in attending the first luncheon of the year on Thursday 26 February at Bertoni’s can phone Di Kirby on 5474 1184 or email brian.dianne2@bigpond.com.