Relax and breathe easy

Are you breathing easy?

WE breathe up to 30,000 times a day, so it’s critical we do it right. If you are someone who always has tight neck and shoulder muscles, dysfunctional breathing may be the cause.
When you aren’t using your diaphragm (the muscle surrounding your lungs) to breathe, you rely on your neck and shoulder muscles to lift your ribs and pump fresh air around the body.
Breathing using your diaphragm is how our bodies were designed but things like sitting slouched at a desk, poor posture and stress can inhibit this. Knotted muscles and a tight band across the shoulders are typical in people who breathe incorrectly.
As well as muscle pain, headaches, digestive stress, sleep apnoea, asthma and “brain fog” can occur when there is poor air circulation.
Noosa Chiropractic’s Dr Mimi and Dr Neil share their tips on how to use your diaphragm when breathing:
* Lie on your back with knees slightly bent.
* Place hands (palms down) on the lower part of your abdomen.
* As you breathe in, slowly counting to four, you want to feel your abdomen lift up as the lungs fill with air.
* Breathe out slowly, counting to five, you should feel your stomach flatten and drop towards your spine as air leaves the lungs.
* Get into the habit of doing this while lying and slowly try to do these steps without the hands on tummy and then while sitting and standing. It is a habit – the more you practice the easier it will be.
Dr Mimi and Dr Neil of Noosa Chiropractic can help encourage diaphragmatic breathing through adjustments to the related areas of the spine and also releases to the diaphragm muscle itself. Ask Dr Mimi or Dr Neil to explain when you book your next appointment.