Disaster alerts via hub


IT’S now easier for Noosa and Sunshine Coast residents and visitors to prepare for severe weather events and other disasters by staying up-to-date with important information when events occur using the new Disaster Hub.
Sunshine Coast Council recently launched its new Disaster Hub which has weather warnings, road closures and evacuation centres on one easy-to-use site.
It also links to airport updates, traffic cameras, flood mapping, and council’s news updates and social media.
Sunshine Coast Local Disaster Management Chair mayor Mark Jamieson said the new hub aimed to co-ordinate all local information in the one area so the public could access it quickly.
“The hub has been developed so you can view this information on your home or office computer and on mobile devices,” mayor Jamieson said.
“This hub is also very important for the media’s use.
“We recognise the significant role the media plays in distributing credible, correct information to keep our community informed and safe.
“Whether it is about road closures, evacuation centres, flooded waterways or homes under threat, the media is integral in partnering with us to get that information out through their networks.
“This central disaster hub will make it easier for them to do that, saving time and possibly lives.”
Sunshine Coast Council’s Disaster Management co-ordinator John Gallina’s role is to ensure disaster co-ordination occurs before, during and after events.
“It’s all about building capabilities and capacity at every level, having clear communications in times of crisis, and building disaster resilience in our community,” Mr Gallina said.
“Technology has always been one of the key drivers of disaster management and the new Disaster Hub will play an integral role.
“It’s been a constant challenge to combine information from many agencies so that accurate information is received and timely decisions can be made to protect people who are at greatest risk during a disaster period.
“Like anything, it’s not until you are in a real disaster situation that you can truly test new technology, but our experience to date shows that the Disaster Hub provides a more integrated approach to disaster management and community messaging.
“I think we’ll see more development in this space and we are very keen to work with the media as they use it as well.”
Visit the hub at www.disaster.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au today for all the information you need and to prepare in case a disaster strikes.