Job hunt is on

Youngsters are out in force looking for work and there's plenty of local support to help.


NOOSA school leavers are busy pounding the pavement this month, eager to land their first jobs and gain their independence.
However, in an area where youth unemployment is around 17.6 per cent on the Sunshine Coast and job queues are growing by the day – they’ll need all the help they can get.
As well as scouring the internet via and – youngsters can also visit local employment service providers to boost their chances.
Epic Employment Services, based in Noosaville on Thomas Street, can help with traineeships for Year 12 students who are eligible for employment support services.
Employment Services Queensland, at 28 Eenie Creek Road, can also help with employment opportunities and advice about careers.
Noosaville-based employment services provider Campbell Page, at Noosa Civic, offered some handy advice to assist jobseekers.
Campbell Page state manager Ben James, said jobseekers needed to start each day active and take each “no” as an opportunity to improve.
Mr James said the strongest industries for employment across Noosa were the hospitality, housekeeping, tourism, aged care and labouring industries.
“These are probably our strongest industries in the Noosa area. Given the nature of this work a lot of the vacancies aren’t advertised, employers simply call us and ask for resumes,” he said.
“The employers know we are here to help people into employment and that we save them the hassle of advertising.”
Mr James said jobseekers need to ensure they were equipped with the right tools and there was no shame in turning up and asking for help.
“To start with a really well thought out resume and a goal of what they want to achieve, we can help with both of these,” he said.
“Given the geography of the Sunshine Coast and the spread of employment opportunities, transport is one challenge some people face, but we’re here to help bridge these challenges for our clients.
“We often take candidates to interviews and can work with them to get to and from their first few days of work until a longer term solution is found.”
There are also plenty of job boards available.