Cloud eggs’ bright future

By Hollie Harris

Q: What are cloud eggs?
A: Cloud eggs are eggs, prepared with a technique that makes the whites puff up. Like clouds. But also kind of like roasted cauliflower, which would not be as catchy a name.
Q: Uh, why is this a thing?
A: Because they look good on Instagram. People make them, photograph them, and post them using the hashtag #cloudeggs. Also because they are “fun“, I guess?
Q: What do they taste like?
A: They taste like egg-flavoured marshmallows.
Q: How do you make them?
A: You separate the eggs and the yolks, then you whip the egg whites until they form stiff peaks, according to a popular recipe. Then stir in some parmesan cheese (and chives and ham, if you desire), and scoop out the fluffy eggs onto a baking sheet covered in parchment paper.
Make a little indentation for the yolk, but don’t put it in yet – first, bake the clouds for two minutes, then take them out and add the yolk, and bake for another three. But watch them carefully, because if they get too brown, you’ll have the aforementioned cauliflower problem.