Foods we’re keen to consume

SUPERFOODS are the latest trend in healthy eating, with so many of them packing a nutritious punch that can be not be matched.
Quinoa was one of the first to make it from the depths of health food stores to the shelves of mainstream grocery stores and it’s easy to see why.
Packed with protein and containing no gluten, Quinoa (pronounced keen-wa) is an easy way to pack in the goodness when making almost any meal.
Add to pastas, salad or wraps, Quinoa is an easy-to-use superfood that is a great alternative to starchy grains.
According to the BBC Good Food guide, Quinoa has long been a staple diet of the Incas and their descendants but in recent years, foodies in the UK and US heralded it as a better alternative to wheat, couscous and rice.
And, although used as a grain in dishes, Quinoa is actually in the same family as beets, chard and spinach.
So popular, it was even given a year all to itself with the United Nations General Assembly naming 2013 the international year of Quinoa.