Super-food sensation

Get a superfood boost with Pernilla Tompkins frittata recipe.

WANTING a quick lunch, snack or dinner meal that is easy to whip up and good for you? Pernilla Tompkins from Vanilla Foods at Belmondos shares her Organic Super Food Fritatta Recipe
Organic Superfood Frittata: (serves 6)

1 cup cooked black Quinoa.
2 teaspoon chia seeds.
2 cup kale, shredded.
1/2 cup green peas or broad beans.
1 cup baby spinach1/2 cup broccoli, processed into “rice”.
12 eggs.
1 cup cream, or coconut cream if dairy free.
Salt and pepper to taste.

Lightly whisk eggs, cream and salt and pepper.
Add vegetables, quinoa and chia, combine.
Pour into a lined baking dish, press lightly.
Cook for 40 minutes on 160 degrees Celsius or until firm.
Cool lightly before cutting. Serve with fresh salad and VanillaFood green goddess pesto.