Bun fight over hot cross calories

The Cancer Council has revealed a single hot cross bun could take up to an hour to burn off by walking.

Easter hot cross buns have come under the microscope with the Cancer Council unwrapping the kilojoule count of the favourite treats.
From traditional to fruitless, apple, cinnamon, choc-chip and choc-caramel flavours – many indulge on these treats over the Easter long weekend, but the Cancer Council wants to help people count their calories and take the opportunity to eat better this year.
Cancer Council Queensland CEO Ms Chris McMillan said many Noosans would be shocked to learn the average hot cross bun could take an hour of walking to burn off.
“One traditional hot cross bun contains about 210 calories (879 kilojoules) – with four teaspoons of sugar and 250mg of sodium in each bun,” Ms McMillan said.
“The daily recommended sugar consumption is no more than six teaspoons a day – eating just one and a half hot cross buns would take you over that limit.”
Singling out sodium – the daily recommended intake is 1600mg – so one hot cross bun is about one fifth or one sixth of your daily intake.
The good news is the fruitless hot cross bun has the least calories, at 203 calories (849 kilojoules) per bun, but that’s still more than a teaspoon of sugar and 323mg of sodium per bun.
“Choc-chip hot cross buns typically contain about 240 calories (1004 kj), apple and cinnamon buns have 214 calories (895 kj) and choc-caramel hot cross buns have a whopping 252 calories (1054 kj) per bun,” Ms McMillan said.
“We’re also reminding Queenslanders to be mindful of the extra calories we consume when adding butter or other spreads to our hot cross buns. Understanding our hot cross calories is key to moderating the amount of food we consume … and to help families maintain a balanced diet.”
Cancer Council is urging Queenslanders to opt for the healthiest choice if indulging in a treat or two now that the Easter Bunny has delivered sweet treats.
“If we indulge in a treat or two, we should read labels and choose the healthiest option possible, balancing energy intake with energy expenditure over the long weekend, by participating in fun-filled physical activities the whole family can enjoy,” Ms McMillan said.
Ms McMillian said it was important to now let healthy habits bomb now that Easter is over and everyone should aim to burn off any extra calories consumed.
More information about Cancer Council Queensland, and ensuring a happy and healthy Easter, is available via 13 11 20 or cancerqld.org.au.