Kale and hearty — Brussels sprouts

KALE is the latest vegetable to join the ranks of superfood along with the likes of quinoa, oats and goji berries, but what about the original superfood, the humble Brussels sprout.
Loved by parents and loathed by children, the Brussels sprout was the one food you had to eat to get dessert.
But the round green vegetable is making a comeback with the resurgence of raw, healthy diet bringing with it vitamin C and K, plus folate, omega-3 fatty acids and a host of nutrients.
No wonder our parents wanted us to eat them.
The days of simply steaming Brussels sprouts and plonking them on the plate next to a steak are over, with a host of interesting and delicious recipes for Brussels sprouts now available.
We’ve collected some of the best to help showcase how delicious these vegetables can be.
Wok-fried Sprouts
Simply cut your Brussels sprouts into quarters. Cover with a drizzle of rice bran oil and a sprinkle of sea salt. Heat a wok to high heat and add a splash of rice bran oil. Throw in the Brussel sprouts and toss for about two minutes or until the cut sections of the vegetable are charred. Serve with lamb and a mint and pea salad.
Honey Roasted Sprouts
Trim the ends of the sprouts and take off any yellow outer leaves. Mix the sprouts in a bowl with olive oil, salt and pepper. Place on a sheet pan and drizzle with honey then pop into the oven for about 40 minutes. Take the sprouts out of the oven when they look caramelised on the outside but tender on the inside. Sprinkle with a little more salt and a drizzle of balsamic vinegar and serve alongside your favourite roast.
Sprouts with garlic, onion and bacon
Into a pan place diced bacon, a thinly sliced brown onion and two cloves of smashed garlic. Cook over medium heat until the onion browns a little. In another pan, heat two cups of chicken stock and throw in the sprouts.
Boil until tender and then take them out, drain and add to the pan with the bacon and onion. Brown the sprouts and then put the mix into a serving bowl. This is great to serve at a backyard barbecue alongside charred steaks and lamb racks.