Prized bird and cash cow

Steven Ledger with his dairy cow Riverwood Coral 3 which produced a record 48.94km milk in 24 hours.

By Margaret Maccoll

The Ekka is the final major show of the year for many serious exhibitors including local farmer Steven Ledger of Carters Ridge and hobbyist David Morley who brought home prizes with their animals.
Steven claimed first, second and third prizes for his Illawarra dairy cows, and will now take them home to their Riverwood property where the cows are milked to supply Paul’s Milk.
David Morley of Pomona took home a swag of awards for his Australorp AOC and Ancona Red poultry including first prize for his Ancona Red Cockerel.
Originally, from the UK where he grew up on a family farm, David has for the past 10 years bred poultry for show from his Noosa Shire acreage.
Dedication to the breed and a lot of hard work is what it takes to get a prized bird, according to David.
“It doesn’t happen by magic,” he said. Breeding with high quality birds and trying to improve every year is the key.
“We all aim to achieve the exceptional,” he said.
Both his bird breeds, the Ancona Red, which originated in Italy, and the Australian breed, Australorp, were designed for the table and egg laying.
His poultry live a spoilt live. “They’re free to roam in a natural environment. They have the sun on their backs and the rain or shelter when they need it. We give the best we can afford,” he said.
But they’re never pets. “They’re something I enjoy working with. When they become pets it’s a different game.”
David said his hobby cost him a lot of time and money. It’s a very scientific process of selective breeding to gain a good bird, he said. When it’s a winning bird you want, every egg is gold.