A summer sensation

NILLA from Vanilla Food at Belmondos has shared her delicious salmon and asparagus tart that is sure to impress your friends over the summer season.

For the pastry
2 cups buckwheat flour.
1 organic egg.
1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil.
2 tbsp cold water.
Pinch of sea salt.
For the filling
1 bunch asparagus.
1 x 150g fresh salmon fillet, diced.
10 whole organic eggs.
2 egg whites.
1 cup almond milk.
Himalayan salt and pepper to season.

1. Pre-heat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius.
2. In a bowl combine all pastry ingredients and mix well.
3. Gently knead to form a smooth dough (if it needs a less extra water or extra flour add it as you need).
4. Carefully roll the pastry in between two pieces of baking paper out to a size big enough to cover your tart tin (about 1/2 cm in thickness).
5. Line the tart tin with baking paper and carefully roll the pastry around the rolling pin to make it easy to transfer across.
6. Unroll the pastry from the rolling pin once it is in the right spot over your tart tin.
7. Using your fingers press the pastry evenly into the tart tin and cut off any excess pastry that hangs too far off the edge.
8. For the filling: spread the salmon evenly onto the pastry, arrange the asparagus neatly on the salmon.
9. In a bowl, whisk eggs, egg whites and almond milk together, season and pour into the tart.
10. Bake for about 20 minutes or until egg is cooked and the top is golden.
11. Serve with a wedge of lemon and a side of fresh organic garden salad.