Michael’s the face of men’s health

Michael Sobey and his 'mo'.

MICHAEL Sobey of SPM Law has once again made the pledge to get hairy for Movember to raise awareness and funds for men’s health.
The Movember Foundation is a global men’s health charity raising funds to deliver innovative, breakthrough programs that allow men to live happier, healthier and longer lives.
As part of his annual month-long follicle adventure, Michael holds a fund-raising lunch and this year the Stache Bash was held at Gaston Bar Bistro, on Friday 20 November, with over 40 people attending.
Through the lunch and other fund-raising activities Michael has already raised over $2500 this year with another week to go.
Michael said he wanted to encourage people to continue to donate to Movember as men’s health was something we should all be talking about and supporting.
“Like many people, cancer and depression have affected my family and close friends,” he said.
“I believe getting these issues out in the open and being discussed is vitally important, as is raising funds to research ways to combat them.”
For more information on how to donate go to www.au.movember.com