The psychedelic 70s Experience

The Deep Purple Experience will take over The Villa Noosa this month.

CELEBRATE the psychedelic 70s when The Deep Purple Experience and DJ Funkmaster take over the Villa Noosa this month.
The Australian Deep Purple show showcases all the power, the passion, the dynamics and stage show that is only second to the real thing.
The fully costumed show will transport you back to the 70s as they recreate one of the best British rock bands of all time.
You’ll hear all your favourites from Burn to Space Truckin and Child in Time to Smoke on the Water and many more.
The Deep Purple Experience will be joined by DJ Funk Master to create a truly 70s experience laying down the best 70s dance floor anthems to keep the party going.
There will be spot prizes for best dressed and giveaways on the night. Don’t miss this ultimate night of 70s fun when The Deep Purple Experience and DJ Funkmaster take over The Villa Noosa on Friday 29 July from 8pm.
Tickets are $10 pre-sale, $15 on the door and available at the venue or online at
Noosa Today is giving away four double passes to see the show. If you would like to enter, just send your name and phone number to Winners will be contacted on Thursday 28 July.