Magic veggie’s an all-rounder

By Hollie Harris

Here are some of the reasons you should make sweet potato a regular staple in your diet.
Beauty food
In addition to vitamins A and C, sweet potato also contains vitamin E, which is excellent for the health of your skin. It can improve your complexion for flawless skin.
Cures dry and cracked heels
If you have dry and cracked heels, use the water in which you have boiled sweet potatoes to soak your feet while it is still warm. This helps in curing cracked heels.
Heals dark eye circles and eye puffiness
Take two slices of sweet potato and keep them over your eyes. This can help in removing dark circles, wrinkles and puffiness of the eyes.
Maintains the elasticity of your skin
Vitamin C is found in high quantities in sweet potatoes. This is great for the production of collagen, which can help in maintaining the elasticity of your skin.
Boosts immune system
Vitamin C present in sweet potato has antioxidant properties, which make it great for improving your immune system. As a result, you suffer less from common cold, cough, flu, and other diseases.
Good source of iron
If you are anaemic or your body becomes deficient in iron, sweet potato is rich in iron and increases the production of red blood cells, thus preventing anaemia.
It can also improve the resistance power and immunity power of the body, and reduce stress.
Promotes metabolism and treats premenstrual symptoms
Sweet potatoes contain manganese, which is great for improving metabolism and maintaining a healthy balance of the blood sugar levels in the body.
It is also good for suppressing your appetite, thereby preventing you from overeating. As a result, you can lose weight by including this vegetable in your regular diet.
It is good for anaemia and for treating severe premenstrual symptoms as well.