Be among the fighting fit

It's time to get active Noosa!

NEW research shows only 55 per cent of Sunshine Coast adults are getting enough daily exercise, and only 36 per cent are aware of all three minimum recommended guidelines for physical activity.
The Cancer Council Queensland (CCQ) has warned that Sunshine Coast adults could be risking their health and happiness by increasing their risks of being overweight.
Cancer Council spokeswoman Katie Clift said the findings were alarming.
“Physical inactivity is one of the leading causes of overweight, obesity and chronic disease,” Ms Clift said.
“We’re calling on Sunshine Coast adults to get active and exercise regularly, to boost long-term health and happiness.
“Even incidental exercise can be effective, for example, getting off the bus one stop earlier, taking the stairs instead of the lift, or walking a little bit further to get lunch.”
In early 2014, the Australian Government released new national physical activity guidelines, recommending Queensland adults aim for two-and-a-half to five hours of moderate physical activity every week.
“It’s vital to be mobile and moving, to get the heart rate up, build physical fitness, and maintain a healthy weight,” Ms Clift said.
“Sunshine Coast adults need to be active every day.
“We recommend at least five hours of moderate-intensity activity every week, or two and a half hours of vigorous exercise, plus muscle-strengthening activities and resistance work at least twice a week.
“The good news is that everyone can spare the time – 30 minutes of daily exercise can easily be achieved through three shorter sessions of 10 minutes during the day.”
Around 2.1 million Queensland adults were insufficiently active in 2014, with those aged 18-24 years the worst offenders.
Up to one third of all cancers can be prevented through simple lifestyle changes including being physically active and maintaining a healthy weight.
Queenslanders can encourage their workplace, school, sports club, early childhood centre or local council to help reduce the risk of cancer by joining QUEST for free at
More information about Cancer Council Queensland is available via the Cancer Council’s 13 11 20 or