After Easter taste treat

IF you have indulged in too many Easter eggs these holidays, give your sweet tooth a break and try these naughty but nice protein balls. They’re sure to keep the kids happy these school holidays. Each ball contains only 120 calories and is raw, healthy and delicious.

2 scoops vanilla protein powder.
1 cup almond meal.
1/2 cup nut butter, such as almond butter.
1/4 cup maple syrup.
1/4 cup dairy-free mini chocolate chips.

1. Mix together the almond meal and protein powder in a medium-size bowl.
2. Add the nut butter and maple syrup and mix again until the batter is just like cookie dough.
3. Add the chocolate chips and mix into the batter.
4. Using a tablespoon or a cookie scoop, scoop the dough into the palm of your hand and roll into balls. Repeat until the mixture is gone.
5. Place in the fridge and allow to set for about four hours.
For an extra tasty treat, roll the balls in shredded coconut before placing in the fridge or drizzle with melted dairy-free chocolate. Yum!