ALL of Noosa’s emergency response services will be put through their paces during a simulated beach crash rescue operation scheduled for 31 May.
The simulation will test the response capabilities of all local emergency service organisations, including two helicopters, to ensure co-ordinated response times in the event of a major accident.
The operation will take place along the busy stretch of beach at Teewah on Noosa’s north shore.
Noosa Fire and Rescue area commander Rob Fray said the simulation was a big event for local emergency service crews and would test the limits of their capabilities.
“The Teewah stretch of beach to Rainbow can be one of the busiest roads in the region, with more than 6000 vehicles using the beach per day during peak holiday periods,” he said.
“With this in mind, we are simulating a very real major accident involving a collision between a tourist bus and a 4WD – with an estimated 30 victims simulated.”
Mr Fray said the scenario would test the limits of emergency service crews in the hope of finding any inefficiencies during the post-incident debriefing session.
“All the local emergency response organisation work extremely well together, but there’s is always room to test and improve our effectiveness in the event of a major incident,” he said.
“The debriefing will include what worked well and what needs improvement.”
Organisations involved include Noosa Fire and Rescue, Noosa Ambulance Service, Noosa Police, Westpac helicopter response, RACQ helicopter response, Noosa SES and the Noosa Counter Disaster Response Group – as well as more to be announced.
Mr Fray wanted to inform visitors and locals using the beach around Teewah on Saturday 31 May, that the simulation area will be cordoned off and clearly marked.