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It’s hot in the frying pan

By JACK MANGROVE Gotta Love Fishing on the Noosa River! The River has been a great place to while away a couple of hours this week,...

Ring of animal respect

By JONATHON HOWARD THE idea of animals performing in circuses conjures up cruel images of monkeys riding horses or tigers locked in small cages. While some...

Circuses aim to maintain animal magic

A SMALL but spirited debate is raging around Noosa over the moral and ethical obligations of circuses when handling animals. To find out more about...

Can’t beat Noah’s 100m try

By JODIE BUSHBY Under 7 White PLAYER of the Match went to Zahn Bruggy with his mammoth goal kicking effort, sending the ball flying over the...

Dolphins wins outweigh losses

By JOE JURISEVIC U6 Fins 30 d Brothers 25 IT WAS a fierce game full of tough defence and tactical play by both sides. Brendan slipped...

Bella’s on-field birthday bash

By PETA HOLMES WHAT an exciting game for Noosa Gold under 7s, Bella ‘the boot’ Hillegers scoring all three goals on her birthday, despite Gold...

Guinness record aspirant a winner

Cooroy Bowls NEW member Brian Mitchell had his first official game on Saturday and played extremely well while also receiving coaching from Bevan Mahoney...

Trojans win ‘trial grand final’

By BRUCE BLAKEMORE 2014 Winter 3 person challenge Division 1: Trojans ( B. Brown, T. Latimer,...

Noosa Golf

TEWANTIN NOOSA GOLF CLUB (TUESDAY CLUB) Results of a single stableford played on 29 July. A grade: 1, C. Strudwick 42 countback; 2, P. Zipf 42; 3,...

Late learning for fun

IF YOU'RE retired and looking for something to keep your mind active, then drop into the University of the Third Age (U3A) for some...

Buoyed by big bucks

MORE than 110 guests joined forces to help raise funds for the Indigenous Buoyed Up program at the annual Buoyed Up dinner last weekend,...

Gripping music

By JOLENE OGLE THE Sunshine Coast music scene is set to burst with Noosa’s first major music event scheduled for September; local bands are being...

Employees at Noosa Council to take strike action

Members of The Services Union (TSU) working at Noosa Council will take strike action this Wednesday 19 March, in pursuit of a fair Enterprise...

Surf dogs triumph